Thursday, February 14, 2008

Walk without the walker

"When we walk, there is no walker, only the walk." This was quoted by Gautam Buddha, and appears most illogical and paradoxical statement to human mind.
But it is only the human mind which creates this fallacy of being. This truth can be realized by not sensing through mind. Please note, that the truth cannot be understood, since understanding is again done through mind. But the mind is the one, which creates the fallacy, so the truth cant be understood, it can only be realized.

The world is an eternal flow of consciousness. The human memory creates the fallacy of being. The world does not exists in past, neither it exists in future. It only exists in the current moment, which is a snapshot. And in a snapshot, there cannot be the walker, only the walk remains. Human mind lives on memory, feeds on memory, memory is a series of events (recorded events), our ego feeds on this recording of events. In a snapshot, there can be no ego, no self, two persons cannot be distinguished. In fact, there is nothing to be distinguished. Distinguishment is a real consequence of the fallacy created by human memory.

Again, I would stress upon the fact that this article cannot be understood, can only be realized. And can be realized by various means of meditations (bringing the mind to a still), where there is no memory, no future, no past, no mind, only the truth remains.
The realization of oneness with the universe.


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